Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Road to Being a Diva - And to Understanding What it Means To Be 'Cute'

WARNING: This is a Forward. I am attempting to explain myself and why I'm blogging about this. You are welcome to ignore it to get directly to the good stuff. 

There is power, there is cachet, there is a type of glory that comes with being a Diva. I wouldn't know. I am not a Diva. But I'm learning.

I am a Ph.D. student with certain frustrations. Mostly, not being able to share what I know. And I know what it means to be cute, and what it means to be a Diva, and what I mean when I say they are, moment to moment, mutually exclusive (don't worry, I'll share that thought. Eventually).

My goal here is to mix a guide book on how to be a Diva, a survival guide for how to be 'cute' in a grown-up world (once I figure that out - I will, however, explain what it scientifically means for children, and why it's adaptive, and also why it's such a mixed blessing for adults). I will try my best to explain the Diva craze. You may not find anything brilliant or enlightening here - then again, you may. If I can help you achieve some sort of clarity on something which irritates people everyday, then the reason for this blog will be fulfilled. After all, my brand of research studies extravagance, attraction, and spending. It would be a travesty to keep it from you.

So off we go down the road of being fabulous - any way we look at it. I hope you enjoy the journey.

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