Sunday, February 13, 2011

To Be a Diva You Need a Hot Pair of Shades

This is merely an observation, but all of the divas I know - and the women/men I have seen walking down the street who look like they could live up to the 'Diva Standard' - seem to be wearing really chunky, sexy sunglasses. Have you noticed this? Apparently, I'm not alone in noticing this trend, because when I typed "Diva Sunglasses" into a Google images search, it came up with 970,000 results. It's like, put on a pair of these sunglasses and BAM, instant Diva. But why?

It is likely the phenomenon occurs because it brings on, simultaneously, the air of the mysterious and that of wealthy glamor. Not any old pair of sunglasses will do. They either need to be very dark, chunky, and large (for women) or large, dark aviators (for men) ... or, for the future, the latest fashion in eyeglass wear. They need to look something like this:

As you can see, these sunglasses have a 'bling' element (in crystals on the side), advertise their origin (I am not pushing for Coach - this was simply the best example that I found on a cursory look. The sunglasses that I am really thinking of belong to a very good friend of mine - the inspiration for this blog, actually - who wears gorgeous Prada sunglasses which make her look like even more of a superstar), and have quite dark lenses. It is this dark lens, I believe, which gives sunglasses their appeal to the Diva, and the Diva aura to the sunglasses.

Dark lenses hide who one really is. Test this if you don't believe me - use your hand to cover the upper half of faces that are somewhat familiar to you in magazines and (no cheating!) try to guess who they are.

All security staff shown in movies seem to know that this is true; that it is much more difficult to recognize someone with the top half of their face covered than with the bottom half covered. This may have to do with greater eye variation/fixation (shape, color, even texture) than mouth variation (although mouths do vary in size, proportion, color, relation to the nose, and so on) or it may simply have to do with creating a disconcerting atmosphere - like the button eyes in Neil Gaiman's Coraline. This oddity in turn would cause us to actually look longer (babies look at novel stimuli longer than something familiar or expected) which is, of course, a big chunk of the reason why a Diva does anything. The fact that starlets like large dark sunglasses for supposedly both these reasons as well certainly doesn't hurt the lay Diva's need for 'sexy' shades.

So the next time you are looking for sunglasses - provided that you have an inner Diva waiting to come out - get yourself a hot, blinged out, dark, chunky pair. And prepare to knowingly watch from behind the safety of your shades as people point and stare.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

You Can't Be a Diva Alone

Being a Diva is not a solitary act. In fact, by its very nature is it social; while there is an innate attitude involved in being a Diva, a true Diva requires an audience to witness all of his or her 'fabulosity.' Without a proper audience, there is no point or reason to being a Diva. Diva-dom thrives on public approval. Thus, the public she shall need!

One common and excellent way to solve this issue is to group two divas together; they can act as audience for each other, and as long as they remember those sharing rules they learned in kindergarten, or are fairly evenly matched in actual (not necessarily imagined) assets, the Diva pair can revel in each other's glory. This creates a bubble which allows each member to act out their impulses without destroying less fabulous - or confident - people's fragile egos. While Diva-dom is more of a lifestyle and is not contained to interacting with just one other person, each Diva who has a second Diva friend (to Diva it up with) will probably have many other non-Diva friends who like them better.

After all, a big chunk of being a Diva is that you get to take center stage. And sometimes us little people like to have a piece of it too.